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What to Expect

Image by Joyce McCown

Before your visit

  • Complete patient form including the following information:​

    • Family History​

    • Detailed list of symptoms, prescriptions, diagnoses, concerns​ and desired health goals

    • Dress in comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. This will allow the chiropractor to give you an examination and perform any necessary tests.

    • Arrive at your appointment a few minutes early to fill out any necessary paperwork


Initial consultation and visit​​

  • Consultation Appointment

  • Patient History and Symptoms​ Review

  • Chiropractic exam​​

  • Patient Diagnosis

  • Treatment Plan

  • May include the start of chiropractic treatment and adjustment

  • Lasts about 45 minutes or more

Please bring patient form, insurance information, if accepted, and identification.​


After the initial consultation, follow-up chiropractic treatments tend to be much shorter—perhaps 20 to 30 minutes


​​2nd and following visits

  • We'll re-evaluate the treatment plan frequently to ensure we're on the desired course and will make modifications along the the way if your goals change. Our goal is to keep you on track to achieve your desired outcome and educate you on preventative health through providing various chiropractic treatments involving manual therapy, exercises and nutrition counseling. 

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